Sharing Video Content
There are a few platforms available within the University of Cambridge that can facilitate sharing of video content.
Microsoft Stream
Microsoft Stream ( is available as part of the Office 365 suite. This platform is best used when sharing videos internally to users within the University of Cambridge and/or managing access to a specific group of users. The platform does not allow sharing to members of the public. CUED guidance on how to use Microsoft Stream is available here.
For videos that are to be made publicly available, YouTube is available* as part of the University of Cambridge Google Workspace agreement. You can upload videos and live-stream content from this platform. User access control is however limited so do exercise caution when sharing publicly.
*YouTube is not available by default on the University Google Workspace agreement, but you can opt-in to enable YouTube by visiting and turning it on manually.
Streaming Media Service (SMS)
The UIS Streaming Media Service (SMS) is presently experiencing disruption as per the information at and we advise avoiding the use of the platform until further notice. Longer term, the system is due to be replaced with a platform called YuJa (see but a firm release date is as of yet unknown.