Origin Pro Software Access
The Engineering Department provides access to an Origin Pro Research Licence for all members of the Department. This licence is managed by the University Information Services and funded by the Department. Charges are applied proportionally to each Division based on end user numbers. Individual users are not required to cover access fees.
For more information about Origin Pro, visit the manufacturer’s website.
How to Obtain a Licence
To utilise Origin Pro, your CRSid must be added to the licence server.
Steps to request access:
Contact the IT Helpdesk (helpdesk@eng.cam.ac.uk) with your CRSid and your Division to request access.
4th Year Project Students:
4th-year project students can access Origin Pro free of charge for the duration of their project. Please include your academic supervisor’s name and CRSid in your request.
Additional Information
Platform: Windows
Software Copies for Personal Use: Yes, contact the IT Helpdesk.
Installation Instructions: Contact the IT Helpdesk for guidance.
Teaching System Availability: Not available on the Teaching System.
Application Support: Refer to the manufacturer’s support website.